Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20th Update

Sorry it's been so long since the last update. So many things have been happening the past month that I want to update you on. In the last update I told you about Dad going home. Well two days after he got home, he fell and broke his right arm and had to wear a sling for a month. He ended up not being able to go to outpatient therapy but did have in home therapy two - three times a week ever since he has been home. As of this week, he finally will be able to start his out patient therapy where they will pick him up and bring him home three times a week. We are very hopeful that he will make progress in the out patient therapy as his progress has stalled with the in home care.

Since arriving home, Mom has kept him on a pretty strict schedule. I found this out when I took care of him for 4 days this past weekend while Mom went up to Chicago with her friend Joyce. I cannot express what it is that Mom goes through every day to help take care of Dad. It has to take sheer determination and will for her to be able to do it! Dad is not taking life in a wheelchair well and so we continue to give him positive reinforcement that it is only temporary and he will hopefully walk again with the outpatient therapy.

We still believe that Dad was sent home way too soon by the facility but we are making the best of the situation and trying to help him to move forward and progress. I will keep you all updated on how the outpatient therapy goes. As of now, all we can do is keep praying and hoping that he improves.

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